    You are customizing (Untitled)
    The Customizer allows you to preview changes to your site before publishing them. You can navigate to different pages on your site within the preview. Edit shortcuts are shown for some editable elements.
    • Active theme Stout

    • Publish Settings Press return or enter to open this section

    • Site Identity Press return or enter to open this section

    • Layout Press return or enter to open this section

    • Colors Press return or enter to open this panel

    • Fonts Press return or enter to open this section

    • Header Media Press return or enter to open this section

    • Background Image Press return or enter to open this section

    • Menus Press return or enter to open this panel

    • Widgets Press return or enter to open this panel

    • Homepage Settings Press return or enter to open this section

    • Additional CSS Press return or enter to open this section

    • You are browsing Themes

      Looking for a theme? You can search or browse the theme directory, install and preview themes, then activate them right here.

      While previewing a new theme, you can continue to tailor things like widgets and menus, and explore theme-specific options.

    • The search results will be updated as you type.
      0 themes

      No themes found. Try a different search.

      No themes found. Try a different search, or .

      The search results will be updated as you type.
      0 themes

      No themes found. Try a different search.

      No themes found. Try a different search, or .

    • You are customizing Colors
      Get what you need.
    • Color Schemes Press return or enter to open this section

    • Header Press return or enter to open this section

    • Menu Press return or enter to open this section

    • Buttons Press return or enter to open this section

    • Content Press return or enter to open this section

    • You are customizing Menus

      This panel is used for managing navigation menus for content you have already published on your site. You can create menus and add items for existing content such as pages, posts, categories, tags, formats, or custom links.

      Menus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme or in widget areas by adding a “Navigation Menu” widget.

      Show advanced menu properties
    • Menus
    • Primary Menu Press return or enter to open this section (Currently set to: Primary Menu)

    • Menu Locations

      Your theme can display menus in 3 locations.

      View All Locations Press return or enter to open this section

    • You are customizing Widgets
      Widgets are independent sections of content that can be placed into widgetized areas provided by your theme (commonly called sidebars).

      Your theme has 2 other widget areas, but this particular page doesn’t display them.

      You can navigate to other pages on your site while using the Customizer to view and edit the widgets displayed on those pages.

    • No image selected
    • Page Width
      Display your site differently on larger screens.
    • Site title text in the header. Oswald
      • Architects Daughter
      • Asap
      • Cabin
      • Droid Sans
      • Droid Serif
      • Josefin Sans
      • Lato
      • Merriweather
      • Merriweather Sans
      • Montserrat
      • Open Sans
      • Oswald (Default)
      • PT Sans
      • PT Serif
      • Playfair Display
      • Raleway
      • Roboto
      • Roboto Slab
      • Source Sans Pro
      • Source Serif Pro
      • Ubuntu
    • Primary menu links and button links. Oswald
      • Architects Daughter
      • Asap
      • Cabin
      • Droid Sans
      • Droid Serif
      • Josefin Sans
      • Lato
      • Merriweather
      • Merriweather Sans
      • Montserrat
      • Open Sans
      • Oswald (Default)
      • PT Sans
      • PT Serif
      • Playfair Display
      • Raleway
      • Roboto
      • Roboto Slab
      • Source Sans Pro
      • Source Serif Pro
      • Ubuntu
    • Post titles, widget titles, form labels, and table headers. Oswald
      • Architects Daughter
      • Asap
      • Cabin
      • Droid Sans
      • Droid Serif
      • Josefin Sans
      • Lato
      • Merriweather
      • Merriweather Sans
      • Montserrat
      • Open Sans
      • Oswald (Default)
      • PT Sans
      • PT Serif
      • Playfair Display
      • Raleway
      • Roboto
      • Roboto Slab
      • Source Sans Pro
      • Source Serif Pro
      • Ubuntu
    • Paragraphs, lists, links, quotes, and tables. Lato
      • Architects Daughter
      • Asap
      • Cabin
      • Droid Sans
      • Droid Serif
      • Josefin Sans
      • Lato (Default)
      • Merriweather
      • Merriweather Sans
      • Montserrat
      • Open Sans
      • Oswald
      • PT Sans
      • PT Serif
      • Playfair Display
      • Raleway
      • Roboto
      • Roboto Slab
      • Source Sans Pro
      • Source Serif Pro
      • Ubuntu
    • Bylines, comment counts, reply links, post footers, and quote footers. Lato
      • Architects Daughter
      • Asap
      • Cabin
      • Droid Sans
      • Droid Serif
      • Josefin Sans
      • Lato (Default)
      • Merriweather
      • Merriweather Sans
      • Montserrat
      • Open Sans
      • Oswald
      • PT Sans
      • PT Serif
      • Playfair Display
      • Raleway
      • Roboto
      • Roboto Slab
      • Source Sans Pro
      • Source Serif Pro
      • Ubuntu
    • Upload your video in .mp4 format and minimize its file size for best results. Your theme recommends dimensions of 2400 × 1300 pixels.
      No video selected
    • Or, enter a YouTube URL:
    • Header Image

      Click “Add new image” to upload an image file from your computer. Your theme works best with an image that matches the size of your video — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it for a perfect fit.

      Previously uploaded
    • No image selected
    • Your homepage displays
    • Site Title Text
    • Tagline Text
    • Hero Text
    • Hero Background
    • Control the color overlay transparency when using a custom Header Image.
    • Text
    • Background
    • Background
    • Text
    • Heading Text
      Post titles, widget titles, form labels, table headers and buttons.
    • Primary Text
      Paragraphs, lists, menu links, quotes and tables.
    • Secondary Text
      Post bylines, comment counts, post footers and quote footers.
    • Page Background
    • When in reorder mode, additional controls to reorder menu items will be available in the items list above.

    • Menu Options
    • If your theme has multiple menus, giving them clear names will help you manage them.

    • Click “Next” to start adding links to your new menu.

    Customizing ▸ Widgets Add a Widget

    The search results will be updated as you type.

    Edit Add Archives



    A monthly archive of your site’s Posts.
    Edit Add Audio



    Displays an audio player.
    Edit Add Calendar



    A calendar of your site’s Posts.
    Edit Add Categories



    A list or dropdown of categories.
    Edit Add Contact Details

    Contact Details


    Display your contact information.
    Edit Add Custom HTML

    Custom HTML


    Arbitrary HTML code.
    Edit Add Hero Text

    Hero Text


    A Stout theme widget designed for the Hero area on your site's front page.
    Edit Add Image



    Displays an image.
    Edit Add Meta



    Login, RSS, & links.
    Edit Add Ninja Forms Widget

    Ninja Forms Widget


    Ninja Forms Widget
    Edit Add Pages


    Page IDs, separated by commas.


    A list of your site’s Pages.
    Edit Add Recent Comments

    Recent Comments


    Your site’s most recent comments.
    Edit Add Recent Posts

    Recent Posts


    Your site’s most recent Posts.
    Edit Add RSS



    Entries from any RSS or Atom feed.
    Edit Add Search



    A search form for your site.
    Edit Add Social Profiles

    Social Profiles


    Display links to your social media profiles.
    Edit Add Tag Cloud

    Tag Cloud


    A cloud of your most used tags.
    Edit Add Text



    Arbitrary text.
    Edit Add Video



    Displays a video from the media library or from YouTube, Vimeo, or another provider.

    No widgets found.

    Customizing ▸ Menus Add Menu Items

              Crop Image

              Image crop area preview. Requires mouse interaction.

              Drop files to upload