Building Types

NFPA 80 and NFPA 101 Services


The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and The Joint Commission agree that door inspections are pertinent to the ongoing reliability of an organizational fire protection program.

Annual inspection and testing is required for fire doors and smoke door barrier assemblies per NFPA 80-2010, Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives, and NFPA 105-2010, Standard for Smoke Door Assemblies and Other Opening Protectives, as well as NFPA 101-2012 section

Doors to be included in the annual door inspection, based on, include:

  • door leaves equipped with panic hardware or fire exit hardware in accordance with
  • door assemblies in exit enclosures
  • electrically controlled egress doors
  • door assemblies with special locking arrangements subject to

The Joint Commission does not require the following doors to be included in the annual door inspection:

  • corridor doors (i.e. patient room doors)
  • office doors (provided the room does not contain flammable or combustible materials)


Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs State Fire Safety Board New and Existing School, College, and University Fire Safety Filed with the Secretary of State on May 19, 2016 has adopted many codes including NFPA 101 Life Safety Code and NFPA 80 Fire Door Code which requires all new and exiting fire doors to be inspected and tested on an annual basis.

Government & Municipal

The Public Buildings Amendments of 1988, 40 U.S.C. 3312 (formerly section 21 of the Public Buildings Act of 1959, 40 U.S.C. 619), require that each building constructed or altered by GSA or any other federal agency shall, to the maximum extent feasible, be in compliance with one of the nationally recognized model building codes and with other applicable nationally recognized Life Safety Codes. GSA has adopted the technical egress requirements of the NFPA, Life Safety Code (NFPA 101), which references NFPA 80 Fire Doors and the requirement for annual inspection for all fire doors.

Municipal Buildings which are under the jurisdiction of a model code such as the International Building Code or IBC, is required to have all Fire Doors inspected on an annual basis in order to comply with NFPA 101 Life Safety Code and NFPA 80 Fire Door Code.


Lodging facilities provide the public living spaces to rest and relax in on a non-transient basis. These facilities are also typically multiple use meaning lobby areas, meeting areas, gathering or assembly areas and laundry areas all occupy the same structure, but require different levels of fire safety by code. In order to separate these uses, fire doors and fire assemblies are used to partition off the spaces. The guest rooms are designed to protect the occupants in case of fire and the the corridors are designed to provide a protected passage out of the building incase of an emergency. All guest room doors are fire doors along with the stairwell doors and fire separation doors of the different uses. These doors are essential in providing the required protection for the public’s safety and under current IBC and NFPA 101 Life Safety Codes require the doors be certified to comply with NFPA 80 Fire Door Code.

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